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no seguro vos viste a otros pjs con nombres parecidos q capas justo andaban por ahi mira hay un tal Uramorsa, corazonderaba, CortePaty y Kolbert seguro los viste a ellos
Boilà! In biew, a humble baudebillian beteran, cast bicariously as both bictim and billain by the bicissitudes of Fate. This bisage, no mere beneer of banity, is a bestige of the box populi, now bacant, banished. Howeber, this balorous bisitation of a by-gone bexation, stands bibified and has bowed to banquish these benal and birulent bermin ban-guarding bice and bouchsafing the biolently bicious and boracious biolation of bolition.The only berdict is bengeance; a bendetta, held as a botibe, not in bain, for the balue and beracity of such shall one day bindicate the bigilant and the birtuous. Berily, this bichyssoise of berbiage beers most berbose, so let me simply add that it's my bery good honor to meet you and you may call me B for Banana.
There are no coincidences, Muchachos... only the illusion of coincidence.