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yo el dia antes de irme de vacaciones pase 1 hora actualizandolo todo... y cuando le di aceptar se me borro todo a la ****** porque se cayo internet... taba con la ira y queria romper todo... uno de estos dias actualizo
mhale juege con el mago hdp, hagase una transform de lo k sea y asi puede hacer party :P
PD: o transformese en camion o moto :P
take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein for they are my last legacy
Can you look around this world and believe in the goodness of a god who rules it? If a god of love and life ever did exist... he is long since dead. Someone... something rules in his place
posta mhale.... llego a 470 de critical con la transform
esk cualkiera ****** ¬¬ esas trasnform deberian ser solo para rolear xD no para tener una semisubclass de warrior metida sin tener k hacerse noble ni lvlearla
take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein for they are my last legacy
Can you look around this world and believe in the goodness of a god who rules it? If a god of love and life ever did exist... he is long since dead. Someone... something rules in his place
toy muy al pedo pero aki no puedo logear ni un trader en TI se funde este pc XD digale a "Mhachin"
take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein for they are my last legacy
Can you look around this world and believe in the goodness of a god who rules it? If a god of love and life ever did exist... he is long since dead. Someone... something rules in his place
actualizado miembros del clan ppal... dps en el rest sigo xD
Le voy a regalar toda mia adena a machin
take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein for they are my last legacy
Can you look around this world and believe in the goodness of a god who rules it? If a god of love and life ever did exist... he is long since dead. Someone... something rules in his place
take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein for they are my last legacy
Can you look around this world and believe in the goodness of a god who rules it? If a god of love and life ever did exist... he is long since dead. Someone... something rules in his place
loco toy perdiendo mi memoria (?) no recuerdo nada de eso
ahi arregle algunas profesiones
Last edited by Diablo; 01-26-2009, 12:28 PM.
Reason: Automerged Doublepost
take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein for they are my last legacy
Can you look around this world and believe in the goodness of a god who rules it? If a god of love and life ever did exist... he is long since dead. Someone... something rules in his place