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shhhh Porno No Existis !!!! congrats Niko Sos Un Groso!!
vos si ?
Real Money Trading degrades the gaming experience for legitimate players by giving the offenders unfair advantages. Even worse, it fuels the botting and gold-farming market. Using real money to make in-game purchases from third parties is considered an RMT transaction. These in-game transactions can include the purchase of Adena, power-leveling services, items, characters, and other in-game related services.
....creo q me puedo ir sabiendo q soy uno de los pj q mas "targetean" o trantan de matar por q saben q "hago la diferencia" en los bardos chicos donde se nota mucho uno u otro pj...
Che porno no tengo nada contra vos vithe pero es un post de alegria y felicitaciones para nikotra asique chau con bo
dale q va nikotrak!!! te arruina nikotrak (Palabras de Walterio)
se tenes razon, mejor la corto aca :$
Real Money Trading degrades the gaming experience for legitimate players by giving the offenders unfair advantages. Even worse, it fuels the botting and gold-farming market. Using real money to make in-game purchases from third parties is considered an RMT transaction. These in-game transactions can include the purchase of Adena, power-leveling services, items, characters, and other in-game related services.
Felicitaciones Lucho, pensar que cuando eras pete estuviste un par de horas en mi clan y todo xD
jajajajja seba maraca, le tiraste clan en la arena, cuando estabamos armando party kakajajaja q hdp...yo estaba ahi, lo q me reia, y lo q puteaba el enano XD