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que groxo, este era el salame que amenzaba a gaston que le iba a pegar?despues de que le banearon a stonecold? salames si los hay.
Si, salame. Pero Noble !!! de eso se trata le Thread. Si queres bardear, create uno que se llame "Felicitaciones Lumiya SALAME" pero aca no rompas las pelotas. OK?
- Main Class: Spectral Dancer * Sub Class: Storm Screamer * Shillien Knight - - Alan Style - MIB For Ever -
Real Money Trading degrades the gaming experience for legitimate players by giving the offenders unfair advantages. Even worse, it fuels the botting and gold-farming market. Using real money to make in-game purchases from third parties is considered an RMT transaction. These in-game transactions can include the purchase of Adena, power-leveling services, items, characters, and other in-game related services.