Hace unos dias descargue el nuevo cliente sin problema alguno y lo instale sin contratiempos, pero luego de unos dias al reiniciar mi pc o encenderla me aparece el icono de actualizar directamente sin yo hacer y nada, luego sale un cuadro q dice "parcher error" en el mismo cuadro me aparece una leyenda q dice "trying to solve a NULL hostname: giving up" y al darle en details me sale todo lo q viene a continuacion.
Can't load image from file 'skin/btn_close.png': file does not exist.
Can't load image from file 'skin/btn_close_bw.png': file does not exist.
Can't load image from file 'skin/btn_close_ck.png': file does not exist.
Can't load image from file 'skin/btn_update.png': file does not exist.
Can't load image from file 'skin/btn_update_bw.png': file does not exist.
Can't load image from file 'skin/btn_update_ck.png': file does not exist.
Can't load image from file 'skin/btn_play.png': file does not exist.
Can't load image from file 'skin/btn_play_bw.png': file does not exist.
Can't load image from file 'skin/btn_play_ck.png': file does not exist.
Can't load image from file 'skin/window.png': file does not exist.
can't open file 'version.sw' (error 2: el sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado.)
can't open file 'patcher.ini' (error 2: el sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado.)
Trying to solve a NULL hostname: giving up
Por q si baje el cliente y lo instale sin problemas ahora me aparece siempre este cuadro.
Incluso en ocaciones cuando cierro el juego me sale un cuadro con un semaforo de report bugs donde dice cosas sobre errores de parche.
Can't load image from file 'skin/btn_close.png': file does not exist.
Can't load image from file 'skin/btn_close_bw.png': file does not exist.
Can't load image from file 'skin/btn_close_ck.png': file does not exist.
Can't load image from file 'skin/btn_update.png': file does not exist.
Can't load image from file 'skin/btn_update_bw.png': file does not exist.
Can't load image from file 'skin/btn_update_ck.png': file does not exist.
Can't load image from file 'skin/btn_play.png': file does not exist.
Can't load image from file 'skin/btn_play_bw.png': file does not exist.
Can't load image from file 'skin/btn_play_ck.png': file does not exist.
Can't load image from file 'skin/window.png': file does not exist.
can't open file 'version.sw' (error 2: el sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado.)
can't open file 'patcher.ini' (error 2: el sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado.)
Trying to solve a NULL hostname: giving up
Por q si baje el cliente y lo instale sin problemas ahora me aparece siempre este cuadro.
Incluso en ocaciones cuando cierro el juego me sale un cuadro con un semaforo de report bugs donde dice cosas sobre errores de parche.