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Muerte por L2

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  • #46
    Re: Muerte por L2

    Noticia de Dvp:

    Virtual Conflict Ends in Real Death

    The Moscow Times

    Carl Shreck

    January 31, 2007

    A Ukrainian online gamer is facing up to 15 years in prison for stomping a fellow gamer to death in central Moscow after bad blood in a virtual world spilled over into the real one, prosecutors said.

    Alexander Ponamorenko, a Ukrainian citizen known for his prowess in the popular online role-playing game Lineage II, has been arrested and charged with the beating death of Alexander Blyoskin, 22, who had tried to break-up a real-life argument between Ponamorenko and his online nemesis, said Olga Tatarinova, a senior investigator with the Basmanny District Prosecutor's Office.

    Between 20 and 30 hard-core players of Lineage II, in which players create characters and form clans that inhabit a virtual medieval world, met up on the evening of Jan. 12 at a cafe in central Moscow, Tatarinova said.

    "Ponamorenko showed up, as did a member of a rival clan with whom he had developed a virtual enmity," Tatarinova said.

    An article posted on the Internet industry web site identifies Ponamorenko, who plays under the nickname "DVP," as one of the strongest Lineage II players in Europe. He is a member of a clan called "RedSquad."

    Tatarinova declined to name Ponamorenko's rival, but identified him by his first name -- Kirill -- and said he plays under the nickname "Shtai." The article posted on said the two often quarreled in Internet forums dedicated to Lineage II.

    Ponamorenko, an independent businessman, had traveled from Ukraine to meet up with fellow gamers, Tatarinova said.

    "Everybody in the room noticed how the expression on DVP's face changed when he saw Shtai," a witness and fellow gamer, identified only as Pavel, told Rossia television on Saturday.

    Ponamorenko and Kirill took things outside, and after the two came to blows, Blyoskin, a student at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute and a friend of Kirill's, tried to calm Ponamorenko down, Tatarinova said.

    Accounts differ as to what happened next. Some witnesses say Ponamorenko punched Blyoskin, who played Lineage II under the nickname "Sverkh," and that the student fell and hit his head on the asphalt, Rossia television reported.

    Tatarinova, however, said Ponamorenko stomped on Blyoskin's head while he lay on the ground.

    Ponamorenko was detained by police at the scene, she said. Blyoskin was subsequently hospitalized and died four days later as a result of his injuries, Tatarinova said. Blyoskin was buried at Moscow's Domodedovskoye cemetery Jan. 19, the student news portal Studencheskaya Pravda reported.

    Ponamorenko was formally charged with deadly aggravated assault Jan. 23, Tatarinova said.

    Lineage II is an extremely popular game worldwide in the genre known as MMORPG, or massively multiplayer online role-playing game, in which players interact with one another in virtual worlds.

    NCsoft, the South Korean company that produces the game, said in November that the game had 14 million subscribers worldwide.

    While there have been few widely known incidents of violence by Russian gamers connected, if only tangentially, to their online passion, they are not unheard of.

    __________________________________________________ _______________

    Tambien hay otros que dicen que cuando Blyoskin cayo al piso, DVP empezo a pisotearle la cabeza hasta que murio... son muchos rumores...


    • #47
      Re: Muerte por L2

      Me leí todo :O
      Me caNsé y por eso no opino -.-
      Adiós Elvening ...


      • #48
        Re: Muerte por L2

        Originally posted by Elvening View Post
        Me leí todo :O
        Me casé y por eso no opino -.-
        te casaste? pone fotos del casorio :O

        congrats (?)


        • #49
          Re: Muerte por L2

          yo opino q teng oq conseguir algo similara una polearm, supongo q sera una rama de un arbol bien larga, y empesar a practicar para pegarle a todos juntos

          me calso la heavy (campera de abrigo + busos) y sale pk

          por casualidad del colegio q hablan es el huergo o el vieite?


          • #50
            Re: Muerte por L2

            Originally posted by Elfaso Obscuro View Post
            te casaste? pone fotos del casorio :O

            congrats (?)
            Kb edit -.-
            Utoooooooooooo -.-

            Si me tratan así me mando a jugar Madden nuevamente T_T

            Adiós Elvening ...


            • #51
              Re: Muerte por L2

              de todas formas en el quote esta el error


              • #52
                Re: Muerte por L2

                Yo respondo por mí ... no por el quote (?) o.O
                Adiós Elvening ...


                • #53
                  Re: Muerte por L2

                  como te kbio raditz >_>



                  • #54
                    Re: Muerte por L2

                    Uhh perdió su oportunidad de hacerse famoso o.O
                    Adiós Elvening ...


                    • #55
                      Re: Muerte por L2

                      el l2 te mata las neuronas como el PORRO... después de 3 años quedas con muerte cerebral y el cuerpo sigue jugando y actuando como un mongol... ejemplo ? LINK


                      • #56
                        Re: Muerte por L2

                        actua como vos?


                        • #57
                          Re: Muerte por L2

                          jajajaj pero mira el noob no conoce las reglas del foro y tiene firma exesiva de tamaño


                          • #58
                            Re: Muerte por L2

                            Originally posted by Lotrial View Post
                            el l2 te mata las neuronas como el PORRO... después de 3 años quedas con muerte cerebral y el cuerpo sigue jugando y actuando como un mongol... ejemplo YO

                            En caso de incendio, haga click aqui


                            • #59
                              Re: Muerte por L2

                              aca pasa re diferente, casis iempre escucho q en las reuniones, os enemigos se cagan de risa y a lo sumo se tiran pochoclo


                              • #60
                                Re: Muerte por L2

                                En las reuniones de gz te cagas de risa,somos todos amigos xD.
                                Creo q este es un caso en el cual la prensa exagero como siempre solo para vender,el pibe q mato al otro flaco es ovbio q tiene problemas mentales graves me parece una pedorrada echarle la culpa a un juego,aunque no dudo q haya gente a la cual el juego les afecta,pero para llegar a ese extremo tenes q estar mal del balero.
                                Si comparamos con el antiguo caso de DVP,q la prensa le echo tanto la culpa al juego,la cosa habia venido por un problema personal de los dos users,para ser mas exactos el flaco q murio se habia metido con la familia de DVP,y al parecer se peliaron y este le pego un viaje en la cara lo cual hizo q el otro callera al piso y se dio la nuca contra un escalon,siendo eso motivo de su muerte (aunque no en el acto,murio en el hospital a los pocos dias) y no fue q DVP lo mato a patadas en la cabeza
                                Graevius Ex player | Ginokiller93 Fan

