fuerza campeon, ojala q todo siga para bien
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Por la salud de Pijintin
Real Money Trading degrades the gaming experience for legitimate players by giving the offenders unfair advantages. Even worse, it fuels the botting and gold-farming market. Using real money to make in-game purchases from third parties is considered an RMT transaction. These in-game transactions can include the purchase of Adena, power-leveling services, items, characters, and other in-game related services.
Recuperate pronto amigo, fuerza!
Vamos!!!! Mucho animo tio, eres de 10!SnakeGZ HEROE 08/09 06/10 - BANEADO =)
Videos:Bardo Zaken, Bardos VS HR, Bardos VS HR II, Bardos VS HR III, Asedio 19 octubre, Bardos VS Quimera, Bardos VS Quimera II, Dont lvl up, Bardo Lilith c4, SnakeGZ HB, SnakeGZ HB II, Bardo Baium, A new Beginning, Asedio Rune, No Fear y Indestructible(?)
Originally posted by damygatito,25/3/2009, 13:45Me comprometo a pagar 100kk por prueba de video donde yo deslogueeOriginally posted by SnakeGZ,26/3/2009, 01:18Originally posted by damygatito,26/3/2009, 01:45En esa escena justo me da critico
Tranqui pendex que va a salir todo joya....un abrazo de tu amigo orco!
Saludos y que te mejoresD
PJ = NonisProfesión = TITAN lvl = 84lvl = 79 / 78/ 74
Subclass = Cardinal / Duelist / Blade Dancer
Clanes = Insane / Cruzados Alba / UmbrellaCorp
pero AdenDefenders forever!!