Estos son cambios de interlude que realmente me an sorprendido
Textos a resaltar:
- Normal character: Player does not drop items upon death
- Chaotic charcter: Chance of dropping items has been reduced
Resumiendo el chance de drop un pk baja un pj blanco NUNCA dropea.
Upon death, there will be a chance the player may be inflicted with a debuff penalty that affects the player's fighting abilities; the chance of debuff is about the same as the current chance of dropping items
Se sustituye por un debuff basado en tu contador de pks -.-"
Emergency Potions added
Potas de emergencia.
Mystic clases get -30% Casting Speed and Accuracy -8 when using Dual Swords, Bows and Polearms.
los magos tienen ese penalizador cuando usan dual swords arcos o polearms. (atentos que no mencionan garras ^^)
Voy a dividir toda la info en varios post ya que no me deja nada mas en uno <.<
(scroll down for C5)
[Player Character related changes]
1. Changes to PC death penalty
* Penalty applied to characters upon death have been modified as follows:
- Normal character: Player does not drop items upon death
- Chaotic charcter: Chance of dropping items has been reduced
2. Upon death, there will be a chance the player may be inflicted with a debuff penalty that affects the player's fighting abilities; the chance of debuff is about the same as the current chance of dropping items
* The death penalty debuff is stackable. If a player dies again while in a debuffed state, the player will receive a second debuff and its effects will stack.
* Debuff status is visible through the debuff window. Its duration is infinite.
* The debuff can be cured using a 'Recovery Scroll'
* The 'Recovery Scroll' comes in different grades. A player must use the correct grade scroll for his/her level (based on expertise). The scroll, however, cannot be used by chaotic characters.
* The debuff can also be cured at the Black Judge. Chaotic characters may recover from their debuffed status through this NPC.
* The Black Judge can be found in Floran Village, Wastelands, Hardin's Private Academy
* The effect of 'Charm of luck' has been changed to eliminate the chance of being debuffed upon death.
[Skill related Changes]
1. Party summoning skill added
* A new skill 'Summon Friend' has been added to Summoning classes
* The skill is first learned at 56. The spellbook can be purchased from Rune and Godad castle towns or can be obtained as a drop.
* The character being summoned must have a 'Summoning Crystal' in his/her inventory
* 'Summoning Crystal' can be purchased from grocer shops in town. (note: Summoning Crystal is 40,250 adena from Giran at 5% tax)
* Party members cannot be summoned into Siege zones, certain Raid boss areas, or Olympiad tournament arenas.
* Dead members or players in combat cannot be summoned.
*The number of classes with this ability will be expanded in a later update
(note: Currently on the PTS this skill is available to Warlocks, ES, PS and Necros)
[Item Related Changes]
1. Emergency Potions added
1. The following emergency potions have been added
* Emergency Potion of Life - HP Recovery
* Emergency Potion of Mind - MP Recovery
* Emergency Combat Potion - CP recovery
2. Emergency potions come in various grades from No-grade to S Grade. Players can only use potions suitable to their level.
3. Emergency potions can be purchased from NPCs or common crafted.
* Emergency Potion of Life can be purchased from NG ~ C Grade
* Emergency Potion of Mind can be purchased from NG ~ D Grade
* Emergency Combat Potion can be purchased from NG ~ S Grade
(note: It's been confirmed that all potions are available upto S grade, with higher lvl ones being common craft only. Emergency pots are instant pots with 5 minute reuse delay. They are quite expensive to make. As of 09/01 The A Grade life potion replenishes about 1350hp. A Grade Mana potion replenishes about 360mp.)
4. Recipes needed for common crafting are produced by clan halls
5. Grades of Emergency of Potions available in towns vary depending on the town.
2. Instant Items added
* For better soloability, various herb items have been added
* Buffing herbs and regular buffs do not stack. For example, if a player acquires a Herb of Power or similar fighter-type herb while under trhe effect of a Might buff, the Might buff will not apply while the herb is in effect. However, the buff will return to effect once the herb wears out.
3. Luxury Shop items added
* Giran luxury shop now sells Soul crystals levels 7~10
4. The weight of following items have been decreased as such:
* Spirit Ore: 10 -> 5
* CP Potion: 110 -> 25
* Greater CP Potion: 500 -> 100
5. Reuse delay on CP potion and Greater CP potion has been reduced by 50%
6. B grade weapons (Swords, Bows, Blunts, Poles etc.) can be exchanged for fist weapons of the same grade at Mammon Blacksmith. However, fist weapons cannot be exchanged for other weapons.
The fist weapons in reference to this are Artho Nails and Bellion Cestus
[Quest Related Changes]
1. The quest limit has been increased to 25 from the current 15
2. When starting a Second class transfer quest, players now receive 'Dimension Diamonds' which can be exchanged for SoEs. (If your character has already started the quest, the item will be given at the end of the quest).
3. The quest 'Enhance your weapon' has been changed so that soul crystals can no longer break when levelling from 1 to 10
[Interface Related Changes]
1. Buff/debuff window improved
* Debuffs will be displayed in its own window separate from buffs
* The debuff window andToggle-skill window are limited to 10 entries
* The buff window's limit has been increased to 24 from 20
* In order to increase the buff limit, the skill 'Increase of Divinity' must be learned. In order to learn the skill, players need 'Spellbook-Increase of Divinity'
(note: You need one spellbook for each of the new buff slots. All four books have different methods of obtainment and have different lvl reqs.)
2. Clan member reorganization
* Clan members can be moved between different units in a clan without having to leave and rejoin clan.
* This authority is given only to the clan leader
* Clan members in the academy unit cannot be moved, and clan members in other units cannot be moved into the academy unit
3. Party Matching
* Party members can now invite members into the party matching panel
* Players are able to check players list, invite to party and send tells through the party matching panel
4. Minimap improved
* The features in Adventurer's guide book have been implemented directly into the minimap
* The Adventurer's guide book item is no longer usable, and can be sold back to NPC for purchased price.
* The location of the cursed weapon (Demon sword) is now indicated on the minimap
5. Additional shortcut windows
* Upto 3 shortcut bars can be displayed simultaneously
* Press the small triangle on the shortcut bar to adjust the display
* Additional shortcut bars can only used by mouse clicks (2nd and 3rd rows)
* Additional shortcuts are not supported by gamepads
6. Loading windows now display useful game tips. This can be turned on and off in the options panel.
7. An option has been added that allows players to hide items dropped on the floor from displaying
* 'Hide dropped items' can be switched on and off in the options panel
* When turned on, items dropped on the floor will not be displayed
* When turned on, items dropped on the floor cannot be picked up by clicking, but can be picked up using the pickup action
[Seven Signs related changes]
1. When in possession of the Seal of Strife following changes will take place:
1. Max CP of winning cabal will be increased by 10%
2. Respawn town changed in siege
* When Dawn is in posession: remains same (respawn at second town)
* When Dusk is in posession: Clans participating in siege will respawn at first town upon scroll or death
* When not in posession: Clans participating in siege will respawn at first town upon scroll or death
[Olympiad Related Changes]
1. Olympiad arena size has been slightly reduced
2. Following changes have been made to competition times
* Olympiad competitions will occur from 6pm to midnight (6 hours)
* Game start notice: 30 seconds -> 120 seconds
* Preparation period: 50 seconds -> 60 seconds
* Competition period: 180 seconds -> 360 seconds (display added to countdown 2 minutes before end of competition)
* Finalization period: 20 seconds -> 40 seconds
3. Non class-limited olympiad must now have 9 players signed up to start
4. To eliminate unjust behaviour following rules apply when participant ends competition by restarting, subclass changing, being overweight etc.:
* Before entering arena: Game is processed as a tie and player that ended participation will lose 1/5 his/her poitns
* After entering arena: Game is processed as a loss
* After starting competition: Game is processed as a loss
5. Points moved during games without class limit have been changed to 1/5 from 1/3. Number of gate passes rewarded for this category have been reduced to 30
6. The lower limit of olympiad points that can be turned in has been increased to 50 from 40
7. Upper limit of olympiad rewards has been decreased from 2000 to 1000
8. Bonus points received by Heroes has been increased to 300 from 100
9. The minimum participation for hero selection has been increased to 9 from 5
[Other Changes]
1. Gatekeeper fees are discounted by 50% between 8pm and midnight. This does not apply on weekends.
2. Items sent by freight can now be retrieved from any freight NPC
3. All characters under lvl25 can now receive newbie bonuses regardless of it being a first character or not
4. Some of the regular mobs spawning near raid bosses have been removed
C5 ( Chronicle 5, Oath of Blood )
The Demonic Sword Zariche
In an interesting twist on the open PvP nature of Lineage II, the first Demonic Item made its appearance in Chronicle 5. The Demonic Sword Zariche can drop from any mob in the game, there is only one per server, and the ground shakes to announce its arrival. The character that wields this unique sword temporarily becomes a killing machine. The normal penalties for dying in a PvP fight are suspended where Zariche is involved, so when it drops a PvP free-for-all ensues, which is unexpected fun you won't find in most other games of this kind. There are plans to introduce more Demonic Items in future updates.
High-Level Content
As you would expect from a MMORPG on its fifth major update, there is quite a bit in Oath of Blood for high-level characters. The player level cap has been increased from 78 to 80 and monsters have been given some new tactics to make up for this.
Behind a secret wall connected to the Imperial Tomb resides Frintezza, the son of Baium of Elmoreden. Frintezza sits at a giantic organ and will charm the raid party with his musical skills if they're not careful. This encounter is designed for up to 45 high-level characters, and is clearly among the most difficult bosses in the game.
Substantial additions have also been made to Rune and Schuttgart Territories, including castles, hunting grounds, and raid bosses. While I was playing we did a quick run through the Ice Queen’s Castle, which is an instance for players of about level 60. The party has just 35 minutes to defeat the Ice Queen's minions and her trusted servant, Sirra, who has healers that make the fight quite challenging.
Skill Changes
- Freezing Strike: Duration has been reduced.
- Blinding Blow: Reuse time reduced. MP usage have been halved. Duration have been increased to 15s. Instant Kill Effect 1 chance added. Tricks the enemy to show his back.
- Deadly Blow: Instant Kill Effect 1 chance added.
- Backstab: Instant Kill Effect 1 chance and Critical Skill effect (damage x2) has been added. Damage formula has changed so that damage from usage of SS has increased rather than damage from basic attack. It will damage HP directly and bypass CP when used against PC. If the Instant Kill Effect 1 triggers, HP becomes 1 instead of CPs (Unconfirmed, it worked in that way in the PTS).
- Drain Health: MP usage reduced.
- Trick: Mind property added. Effect of target cancelation has been added.
- Lethal Blow: Cooltime reduced.
- Bluff: MP cost reduced to 35.
- Focus Power: MP cost reduced to 35.
- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills..
New Skills
- Might Mortal (58): Increases player's change of landing lethal skills for a short period of time. Available when one is equipped with a dagger type weapon. Level 1-5. 2 minutes self-buff. 10 minute cooldown (can be shortened with buffs, etc. up to 6-7 minutes).
- Sand Bomb (55): Launches a sand bomb, decreasing enemy's accuracy for a brief moment. Level 1-10. 30 seconds debuff. It seems to decrease accuracy same as skill level. At level 9 it becomes Accuracy -9.
- Summon Treasure Key (46): Summons treasure box keys. Uses key of thief. This skill have been tweaked after the PTS so the info about the number of keys obtained is outdated.
Skill Changes
- Sleep: Skill use has been increased.
- Hold Undead: Success rate has been increased.
- Peace: Mind property added. Success rate has been increased.
- Might of Heaven: Holy property added.
- Disrupt Undead: Holy property added.- Holy Weapon: Casteable only on party members.
- Berserker Spirit: Casteable only on party members. Added Evasion penalty. Level 1 Evasion -2.
- Mass Resurrection: Area of effect has been increased greatly.
- Greater Heal: Effect is altered to include immediate and heal over time effect so that compared to the previous effect the total heal is increased by 110~120%. About 70% is healed inmediately, and the other 30% is healed over 15s. As chant of life it goes to the 3rd row of buffs.
- Greater Group Heal: Effect is altered to include immediate and heal over time effect so that compared to the previous effect the total heal is increased by 110~120%. About 70% is healed inmediately, and the other 30% is healed over 15s. As chant of life it goes to the 3rd row of buffs.
- Greater Battle Heal: No changes.
New Skills
- Trance (56): High landing rate. Duration 15s. Fast casting speed. Nearly instant Cooldown. Levels 1-10.
- Major Heal (56): Heals HP instantly. Casting speed similar to Greater Heal. Heals more than Greater Heal. Costs 1 Spirit Ore. Level 1-10. MP Cost same as Greater Heal. Can only be cast on Party Members.
- Major Group Heal (58): Heals HP instantly to party members. Casting speed similar to Greater Group Heal. It heals more than Greater Groupe Heal. Costs 4 Spirit Ore. Level 1-10. MP Cost +50% than Greater Group Heal.
- Mana Burn (56): Burns enemy's MP. Level 1-10. Level 10 Power 162. Range 900. High chance of landing. M.Atk dependent. The ammount of MP burned is unknown.
- Mana Storm (58): Burns surrounding enemies MP.
- Magical Backfire (56): Increases enemy's MP use for a brief moment.
- Turn Undead (56): Puts undead targets in a state of fear, causing them to run away. Chance of kill. Uses Spirit Ore. Works against Necromancer Summons.
- Erase (?): Destroy summon. High landing rate. Uses Spirit Ore.
Skill Changes
- Freezing Strike: Duration has been reduced.
- Agression: Can be used on players.
- Drain Health: MP usage reduced.
- Dances MP Cost and range have been reduced (Unconfirmed, just rumors about it).
New Skills
- Demon Bladedance (55): Decreases the p.atk and m.atk of surrounding enemies for a brief moment. Can be used when equipped with dual swords. Low land ratio. Decrease P.Atk about 35%.
- Arrest (55): Taunts and puts the enemy in a state of hold for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while the the hold state is in effect. Success ratio seems rather high. Root effect lasts 8-10s seconds. SPS can't be used. Hold duration and reuse time are almost the same. Has agression effect. Range 150, very fast cast.
Skill Changes
- Whirlwind: Ignores shield defense.
- Hammer Crush: Ignores shield defense.
- Earthquake: Ignores shield defense.
New Skills
- War Frenzy (58): Increases player's resistance to shock and sleep attacks. Toggle Skill. Drains MP. Level 1-3.
- Polearm Accuracy (58): Increases Accuracy when using a polearm. Toggle Skill. Drains MP about the same rate as Vicious Stance. Level 1-3. Level 1 Accuracy +2 , Level 2 Accuracy +3, Level 3 Accuracy +4.
Skill Changes
- Agression effects changed for PvP. To PC, Hate's effect is now 'Target me, and then attack'. The target’s actions are not locked, they can cancel the effect by clicking on the ground or when they perform other actions. The success rate does not seem to be guaranteed, there are times when the target don’t change.
- Agression: Can be used on players.
- Hate Aura: Can be used on players.
- Hamstring: Duration has been reduced.
- Corpse Plague: MP usage and range have been decreased.
- Touch of Death: HP usage has been decreased. Changed to remove up to a maximum of 5 buffs.
- Horror: Mind property added.
- Drain Health: MP usage reduced.
- Summons' Damage in PVP has been nerfed (does not effect PVE).
- Summons' HP gauge can be viewed by all the players (enemies included).
- Summons' Soulshot consumption has been changed.
New Skills
- Judgement (55): Strikes with a gathering of dark energy. Taunts and decreases the accuracy of the enemy for a brief moment. Can be used when equipped with sword/blunt. Overhit possible. Does about 200 more dmg than normal hit against PC. Dark attack attribute. Power of the skill almost no raise for each new level of the skill. The MP cost is the same than Agression skill. Decreases Critical Power, landing rate Unknown (previous effect had a very low land rate).
- Shackle (55): Taunts and puts the enemy in a state of hold for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while the the hold state is in effect. Success ratio seems rather high. Root effect lasts 8-10s seconds. SPS can't be used. Hold duration and reuse time are almost the same. Has agression effect. Range 600, slow cast.
Textos a resaltar:
- Normal character: Player does not drop items upon death
- Chaotic charcter: Chance of dropping items has been reduced
Resumiendo el chance de drop un pk baja un pj blanco NUNCA dropea.
Upon death, there will be a chance the player may be inflicted with a debuff penalty that affects the player's fighting abilities; the chance of debuff is about the same as the current chance of dropping items
Se sustituye por un debuff basado en tu contador de pks -.-"
Emergency Potions added
Potas de emergencia.
Mystic clases get -30% Casting Speed and Accuracy -8 when using Dual Swords, Bows and Polearms.
los magos tienen ese penalizador cuando usan dual swords arcos o polearms. (atentos que no mencionan garras ^^)
Voy a dividir toda la info en varios post ya que no me deja nada mas en uno <.<
(scroll down for C5)
[Player Character related changes]
1. Changes to PC death penalty
* Penalty applied to characters upon death have been modified as follows:
- Normal character: Player does not drop items upon death
- Chaotic charcter: Chance of dropping items has been reduced
2. Upon death, there will be a chance the player may be inflicted with a debuff penalty that affects the player's fighting abilities; the chance of debuff is about the same as the current chance of dropping items
* The death penalty debuff is stackable. If a player dies again while in a debuffed state, the player will receive a second debuff and its effects will stack.
* Debuff status is visible through the debuff window. Its duration is infinite.
* The debuff can be cured using a 'Recovery Scroll'
* The 'Recovery Scroll' comes in different grades. A player must use the correct grade scroll for his/her level (based on expertise). The scroll, however, cannot be used by chaotic characters.
* The debuff can also be cured at the Black Judge. Chaotic characters may recover from their debuffed status through this NPC.
* The Black Judge can be found in Floran Village, Wastelands, Hardin's Private Academy
* The effect of 'Charm of luck' has been changed to eliminate the chance of being debuffed upon death.
[Skill related Changes]
1. Party summoning skill added
* A new skill 'Summon Friend' has been added to Summoning classes
* The skill is first learned at 56. The spellbook can be purchased from Rune and Godad castle towns or can be obtained as a drop.
* The character being summoned must have a 'Summoning Crystal' in his/her inventory
* 'Summoning Crystal' can be purchased from grocer shops in town. (note: Summoning Crystal is 40,250 adena from Giran at 5% tax)
* Party members cannot be summoned into Siege zones, certain Raid boss areas, or Olympiad tournament arenas.
* Dead members or players in combat cannot be summoned.
*The number of classes with this ability will be expanded in a later update
(note: Currently on the PTS this skill is available to Warlocks, ES, PS and Necros)
[Item Related Changes]
1. Emergency Potions added
1. The following emergency potions have been added
* Emergency Potion of Life - HP Recovery
* Emergency Potion of Mind - MP Recovery
* Emergency Combat Potion - CP recovery
2. Emergency potions come in various grades from No-grade to S Grade. Players can only use potions suitable to their level.
3. Emergency potions can be purchased from NPCs or common crafted.
* Emergency Potion of Life can be purchased from NG ~ C Grade
* Emergency Potion of Mind can be purchased from NG ~ D Grade
* Emergency Combat Potion can be purchased from NG ~ S Grade
(note: It's been confirmed that all potions are available upto S grade, with higher lvl ones being common craft only. Emergency pots are instant pots with 5 minute reuse delay. They are quite expensive to make. As of 09/01 The A Grade life potion replenishes about 1350hp. A Grade Mana potion replenishes about 360mp.)
4. Recipes needed for common crafting are produced by clan halls
5. Grades of Emergency of Potions available in towns vary depending on the town.
2. Instant Items added
* For better soloability, various herb items have been added
* Buffing herbs and regular buffs do not stack. For example, if a player acquires a Herb of Power or similar fighter-type herb while under trhe effect of a Might buff, the Might buff will not apply while the herb is in effect. However, the buff will return to effect once the herb wears out.
3. Luxury Shop items added
* Giran luxury shop now sells Soul crystals levels 7~10
4. The weight of following items have been decreased as such:
* Spirit Ore: 10 -> 5
* CP Potion: 110 -> 25
* Greater CP Potion: 500 -> 100
5. Reuse delay on CP potion and Greater CP potion has been reduced by 50%
6. B grade weapons (Swords, Bows, Blunts, Poles etc.) can be exchanged for fist weapons of the same grade at Mammon Blacksmith. However, fist weapons cannot be exchanged for other weapons.
The fist weapons in reference to this are Artho Nails and Bellion Cestus
[Quest Related Changes]
1. The quest limit has been increased to 25 from the current 15
2. When starting a Second class transfer quest, players now receive 'Dimension Diamonds' which can be exchanged for SoEs. (If your character has already started the quest, the item will be given at the end of the quest).
3. The quest 'Enhance your weapon' has been changed so that soul crystals can no longer break when levelling from 1 to 10
[Interface Related Changes]
1. Buff/debuff window improved
* Debuffs will be displayed in its own window separate from buffs
* The debuff window andToggle-skill window are limited to 10 entries
* The buff window's limit has been increased to 24 from 20
* In order to increase the buff limit, the skill 'Increase of Divinity' must be learned. In order to learn the skill, players need 'Spellbook-Increase of Divinity'
(note: You need one spellbook for each of the new buff slots. All four books have different methods of obtainment and have different lvl reqs.)
2. Clan member reorganization
* Clan members can be moved between different units in a clan without having to leave and rejoin clan.
* This authority is given only to the clan leader
* Clan members in the academy unit cannot be moved, and clan members in other units cannot be moved into the academy unit
3. Party Matching
* Party members can now invite members into the party matching panel
* Players are able to check players list, invite to party and send tells through the party matching panel
4. Minimap improved
* The features in Adventurer's guide book have been implemented directly into the minimap
* The Adventurer's guide book item is no longer usable, and can be sold back to NPC for purchased price.
* The location of the cursed weapon (Demon sword) is now indicated on the minimap
5. Additional shortcut windows
* Upto 3 shortcut bars can be displayed simultaneously
* Press the small triangle on the shortcut bar to adjust the display
* Additional shortcut bars can only used by mouse clicks (2nd and 3rd rows)
* Additional shortcuts are not supported by gamepads
6. Loading windows now display useful game tips. This can be turned on and off in the options panel.
7. An option has been added that allows players to hide items dropped on the floor from displaying
* 'Hide dropped items' can be switched on and off in the options panel
* When turned on, items dropped on the floor will not be displayed
* When turned on, items dropped on the floor cannot be picked up by clicking, but can be picked up using the pickup action
[Seven Signs related changes]
1. When in possession of the Seal of Strife following changes will take place:
1. Max CP of winning cabal will be increased by 10%
2. Respawn town changed in siege
* When Dawn is in posession: remains same (respawn at second town)
* When Dusk is in posession: Clans participating in siege will respawn at first town upon scroll or death
* When not in posession: Clans participating in siege will respawn at first town upon scroll or death
[Olympiad Related Changes]
1. Olympiad arena size has been slightly reduced
2. Following changes have been made to competition times
* Olympiad competitions will occur from 6pm to midnight (6 hours)
* Game start notice: 30 seconds -> 120 seconds
* Preparation period: 50 seconds -> 60 seconds
* Competition period: 180 seconds -> 360 seconds (display added to countdown 2 minutes before end of competition)
* Finalization period: 20 seconds -> 40 seconds
3. Non class-limited olympiad must now have 9 players signed up to start
4. To eliminate unjust behaviour following rules apply when participant ends competition by restarting, subclass changing, being overweight etc.:
* Before entering arena: Game is processed as a tie and player that ended participation will lose 1/5 his/her poitns
* After entering arena: Game is processed as a loss
* After starting competition: Game is processed as a loss
5. Points moved during games without class limit have been changed to 1/5 from 1/3. Number of gate passes rewarded for this category have been reduced to 30
6. The lower limit of olympiad points that can be turned in has been increased to 50 from 40
7. Upper limit of olympiad rewards has been decreased from 2000 to 1000
8. Bonus points received by Heroes has been increased to 300 from 100
9. The minimum participation for hero selection has been increased to 9 from 5
[Other Changes]
1. Gatekeeper fees are discounted by 50% between 8pm and midnight. This does not apply on weekends.
2. Items sent by freight can now be retrieved from any freight NPC
3. All characters under lvl25 can now receive newbie bonuses regardless of it being a first character or not
4. Some of the regular mobs spawning near raid bosses have been removed
C5 ( Chronicle 5, Oath of Blood )
The Demonic Sword Zariche
In an interesting twist on the open PvP nature of Lineage II, the first Demonic Item made its appearance in Chronicle 5. The Demonic Sword Zariche can drop from any mob in the game, there is only one per server, and the ground shakes to announce its arrival. The character that wields this unique sword temporarily becomes a killing machine. The normal penalties for dying in a PvP fight are suspended where Zariche is involved, so when it drops a PvP free-for-all ensues, which is unexpected fun you won't find in most other games of this kind. There are plans to introduce more Demonic Items in future updates.
High-Level Content
As you would expect from a MMORPG on its fifth major update, there is quite a bit in Oath of Blood for high-level characters. The player level cap has been increased from 78 to 80 and monsters have been given some new tactics to make up for this.
Behind a secret wall connected to the Imperial Tomb resides Frintezza, the son of Baium of Elmoreden. Frintezza sits at a giantic organ and will charm the raid party with his musical skills if they're not careful. This encounter is designed for up to 45 high-level characters, and is clearly among the most difficult bosses in the game.
Substantial additions have also been made to Rune and Schuttgart Territories, including castles, hunting grounds, and raid bosses. While I was playing we did a quick run through the Ice Queen’s Castle, which is an instance for players of about level 60. The party has just 35 minutes to defeat the Ice Queen's minions and her trusted servant, Sirra, who has healers that make the fight quite challenging.
Skill Changes
- Freezing Strike: Duration has been reduced.
- Blinding Blow: Reuse time reduced. MP usage have been halved. Duration have been increased to 15s. Instant Kill Effect 1 chance added. Tricks the enemy to show his back.
- Deadly Blow: Instant Kill Effect 1 chance added.
- Backstab: Instant Kill Effect 1 chance and Critical Skill effect (damage x2) has been added. Damage formula has changed so that damage from usage of SS has increased rather than damage from basic attack. It will damage HP directly and bypass CP when used against PC. If the Instant Kill Effect 1 triggers, HP becomes 1 instead of CPs (Unconfirmed, it worked in that way in the PTS).
- Drain Health: MP usage reduced.
- Trick: Mind property added. Effect of target cancelation has been added.
- Lethal Blow: Cooltime reduced.
- Bluff: MP cost reduced to 35.
- Focus Power: MP cost reduced to 35.
- Vicious Stance: Adds a bit more critical damage to stab skills..
New Skills
- Might Mortal (58): Increases player's change of landing lethal skills for a short period of time. Available when one is equipped with a dagger type weapon. Level 1-5. 2 minutes self-buff. 10 minute cooldown (can be shortened with buffs, etc. up to 6-7 minutes).
- Sand Bomb (55): Launches a sand bomb, decreasing enemy's accuracy for a brief moment. Level 1-10. 30 seconds debuff. It seems to decrease accuracy same as skill level. At level 9 it becomes Accuracy -9.
- Summon Treasure Key (46): Summons treasure box keys. Uses key of thief. This skill have been tweaked after the PTS so the info about the number of keys obtained is outdated.
Skill Changes
- Sleep: Skill use has been increased.
- Hold Undead: Success rate has been increased.
- Peace: Mind property added. Success rate has been increased.
- Might of Heaven: Holy property added.
- Disrupt Undead: Holy property added.- Holy Weapon: Casteable only on party members.
- Berserker Spirit: Casteable only on party members. Added Evasion penalty. Level 1 Evasion -2.
- Mass Resurrection: Area of effect has been increased greatly.
- Greater Heal: Effect is altered to include immediate and heal over time effect so that compared to the previous effect the total heal is increased by 110~120%. About 70% is healed inmediately, and the other 30% is healed over 15s. As chant of life it goes to the 3rd row of buffs.
- Greater Group Heal: Effect is altered to include immediate and heal over time effect so that compared to the previous effect the total heal is increased by 110~120%. About 70% is healed inmediately, and the other 30% is healed over 15s. As chant of life it goes to the 3rd row of buffs.
- Greater Battle Heal: No changes.
New Skills
- Trance (56): High landing rate. Duration 15s. Fast casting speed. Nearly instant Cooldown. Levels 1-10.
- Major Heal (56): Heals HP instantly. Casting speed similar to Greater Heal. Heals more than Greater Heal. Costs 1 Spirit Ore. Level 1-10. MP Cost same as Greater Heal. Can only be cast on Party Members.
- Major Group Heal (58): Heals HP instantly to party members. Casting speed similar to Greater Group Heal. It heals more than Greater Groupe Heal. Costs 4 Spirit Ore. Level 1-10. MP Cost +50% than Greater Group Heal.
- Mana Burn (56): Burns enemy's MP. Level 1-10. Level 10 Power 162. Range 900. High chance of landing. M.Atk dependent. The ammount of MP burned is unknown.
- Mana Storm (58): Burns surrounding enemies MP.
- Magical Backfire (56): Increases enemy's MP use for a brief moment.
- Turn Undead (56): Puts undead targets in a state of fear, causing them to run away. Chance of kill. Uses Spirit Ore. Works against Necromancer Summons.
- Erase (?): Destroy summon. High landing rate. Uses Spirit Ore.
Skill Changes
- Freezing Strike: Duration has been reduced.
- Agression: Can be used on players.
- Drain Health: MP usage reduced.
- Dances MP Cost and range have been reduced (Unconfirmed, just rumors about it).
New Skills
- Demon Bladedance (55): Decreases the p.atk and m.atk of surrounding enemies for a brief moment. Can be used when equipped with dual swords. Low land ratio. Decrease P.Atk about 35%.
- Arrest (55): Taunts and puts the enemy in a state of hold for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while the the hold state is in effect. Success ratio seems rather high. Root effect lasts 8-10s seconds. SPS can't be used. Hold duration and reuse time are almost the same. Has agression effect. Range 150, very fast cast.
Skill Changes
- Whirlwind: Ignores shield defense.
- Hammer Crush: Ignores shield defense.
- Earthquake: Ignores shield defense.
New Skills
- War Frenzy (58): Increases player's resistance to shock and sleep attacks. Toggle Skill. Drains MP. Level 1-3.
- Polearm Accuracy (58): Increases Accuracy when using a polearm. Toggle Skill. Drains MP about the same rate as Vicious Stance. Level 1-3. Level 1 Accuracy +2 , Level 2 Accuracy +3, Level 3 Accuracy +4.
Skill Changes
- Agression effects changed for PvP. To PC, Hate's effect is now 'Target me, and then attack'. The target’s actions are not locked, they can cancel the effect by clicking on the ground or when they perform other actions. The success rate does not seem to be guaranteed, there are times when the target don’t change.
- Agression: Can be used on players.
- Hate Aura: Can be used on players.
- Hamstring: Duration has been reduced.
- Corpse Plague: MP usage and range have been decreased.
- Touch of Death: HP usage has been decreased. Changed to remove up to a maximum of 5 buffs.
- Horror: Mind property added.
- Drain Health: MP usage reduced.
- Summons' Damage in PVP has been nerfed (does not effect PVE).
- Summons' HP gauge can be viewed by all the players (enemies included).
- Summons' Soulshot consumption has been changed.
New Skills
- Judgement (55): Strikes with a gathering of dark energy. Taunts and decreases the accuracy of the enemy for a brief moment. Can be used when equipped with sword/blunt. Overhit possible. Does about 200 more dmg than normal hit against PC. Dark attack attribute. Power of the skill almost no raise for each new level of the skill. The MP cost is the same than Agression skill. Decreases Critical Power, landing rate Unknown (previous effect had a very low land rate).
- Shackle (55): Taunts and puts the enemy in a state of hold for a brief moment. Cannot be recasted while the the hold state is in effect. Success ratio seems rather high. Root effect lasts 8-10s seconds. SPS can't be used. Hold duration and reuse time are almost the same. Has agression effect. Range 600, slow cast.