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Lineage II cambia su modelo de negocio y ahora será gratuito, comenzando en Europa
lo lei hace unos dias, y tmb he leido que lo traduciran a otros idiomas, estara el español? :O
:O, y el servidor europeo actual se trasladara a USA y abriran uno nuevo en el que no podran traspasar pj's (por lo que el server empezara de cero si o si).
Si la nueva cronica no fuera una ******, iba de cabeza.
Originally posted by Estrato View Postno leyeron esto
asfdasfas netbook chota
Ya esta la pagina Lineage*2 Goddess of*Destruction presten atencion a esto:
Supervised by Innova, the corner stone of the Lineage 2 experience will be the newly implemented Free-to-Play system. Users will be able to play the game free of charge, without having to pay subscription fees or face restrictions. All that is required to start playing is downloading the game client and logging in.
1) Free 2 Play
Pro: no monthly commitments, no $$ cost to log in.
Pro: access to the PrimeShop to buy features for your account (pots/xp+sp runes etc)
Con: If you join a party with premium players you nerf their xp back to standard rates (making you potentially unwanted)
Con: standard xp/sp/spoil/drop rates
Con: no multiboxing, you can only have 1 client connected
Con: you dont have access to some instance dungeons that give really good xp
Con: % of the valid logins which can get into the server are reserved for premium accounts. Eg if server is 5000/5000 no more then 2500 of those players are free2play.
2) Premium Account
Pro: 2x XP/SP/Drop/Spoil
Pro: Party Bonus if a group consists of only premium players
Pro: access to premium only content like special instance zones with high xp/drops
Pro: access to the PrimeShop (same as free2play account)
Pro: can multibox
Con: Has a monthly subscription
Con: I believe you have a 1 time choice to be premium or f2p. Normally this is made when accounts are created but if implemented on NCWest they will probably let people convert by X date or be stuck in free2play mode.Nonis
PJ = NonisProfesión = TITAN lvl = 84lvl = 79 / 78/ 74
Subclass = Cardinal / Duelist / Blade Dancer
Clanes = Insane / Cruzados Alba / UmbrellaCorp
pero AdenDefenders forever!!
Originally posted by ELOpeRaDoR View PostPara mi que lo pusieron pq sabian q la nueva cronica iba a ser un fracaso xDancientmage - Spellsinger
Shogoki - Gnome - Warlock
Therias- Undead- Death Knight
Originally posted by Nonis View Post1) Free 2 Play
Pro: no monthly commitments, no $$ cost to log in.
Pro: access to the PrimeShop to buy features for your account (pots/xp+sp runes etc)
Con: If you join a party with premium players you nerf their xp back to standard rates (making you potentially unwanted)
Con: standard xp/sp/spoil/drop rates
Con: no multiboxing, you can only have 1 client connected
Con: you dont have access to some instance dungeons that give really good xp
Con: % of the valid logins which can get into the server are reserved for premium accounts. Eg if server is 5000/5000 no more then 2500 of those players are free2play.
2) Premium Account
Pro: 2x XP/SP/Drop/Spoil
Pro: Party Bonus if a group consists of only premium players
Pro: access to premium only content like special instance zones with high xp/drops
Pro: access to the PrimeShop (same as free2play account)
Pro: can multibox
Con: Has a monthly subscription
Con: I believe you have a 1 time choice to be premium or f2p. Normally this is made when accounts are created but if implemented on NCWest they will probably let people convert by X date or be stuck in free2play mode.
espero que nunca pase en gz
saludosOriginally posted by Vickarelel autopickup aunque sea modalidad de fruta hay varios low que lo utilizan y se evitan bastantes problemas. Y el que no tenga lag en GZ que me diga que me mudo a su casa para levelear.
en tibia online (un mmorpg que tiene como 200 años de antiguedad O.o) hacen algo similar.
los "premy" accounts tienen acceso a mucho mas mapa, que los free. Y ademas tienen accesos a skilles que los free no tienen.
o sea. si no pagas, podes ser del mismo lvl que uno que paga, pero te cuesta mas tiempo, y no tenes todos los skills que tiene el premy (y equipo).Takeda Ghost Sentinel 77 <-- Vamooos!, sub Phantom Summoner 66 <.<
kURREmKaRMErrUK Hireoprant cLaN HR O.o
"If You See the Flash, Its allready Too Late..."