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No fue facil, pero luego de juntar plata, haciendo clicks en las progagandas de tavo... juntamos 1800 pesos y le conseguimos un hogar a nuestro amigo mhalefor
yo vi a pato en el barco bajo el puente de inadril con una guitarra cantando "musica ligera" y con una botella de fernet y fumandoce las semillas que dan varnish de reward ademas de aspirar coarse bone powder. Entre el y zaken trafican putas de devils island a goddard y toda la merca que va de gludin a giran pasa por ahi...
take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein for they are my last legacy
Can you look around this world and believe in the goodness of a god who rules it? If a god of love and life ever did exist... he is long since dead. Someone... something rules in his place
take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein for they are my last legacy
Can you look around this world and believe in the goodness of a god who rules it? If a god of love and life ever did exist... he is long since dead. Someone... something rules in his place
take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein for they are my last legacy
Can you look around this world and believe in the goodness of a god who rules it? If a god of love and life ever did exist... he is long since dead. Someone... something rules in his place
La nueva es sparrow y el galeon fernetero 22 por Av libertadores y pato como el admirante gritando "todos a vavooooooooooor".
Todos putos, todos putos eh.
Fire tiene primas, ojo, el hijo de puta hace piski piski con las fotos de las novias de djana, pero el muy ortiva se rompe el ganzo a manoteadas con lo ke encuentra.
En fin, un dia mas. Aps, no entro al TS, tengo el sonido de la pc roto, esta semana voy a dejarla en el medico para ke la arreglen.
Besos, siempre de ustedes, Mhale el penetrador de sandias
take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein for they are my last legacy
Can you look around this world and believe in the goodness of a god who rules it? If a god of love and life ever did exist... he is long since dead. Someone... something rules in his place
hay k piskear todo lo k se pueda es la ley k nace de ser buitre
take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein for they are my last legacy
Can you look around this world and believe in the goodness of a god who rules it? If a god of love and life ever did exist... he is long since dead. Someone... something rules in his place