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No se es mi primero pj este, en 20 lo hice rouge x q lei la descripcion del pj q dava la pagina y me gusto, y depues estava con la duda de hacerme dagero o arkero, y me gusto el dageroooo es lo mas!!!!!!!!!!
mmm... simpre me gustaba la idea de dar skilasos de espada
Encima mi primer Skill aprendido en L2 era Mortal Blow
no podia entender porque saca tanto y porque a veces no hacia nada de daño xD ,
era C1 en esos tiempos, desp yo iba subiendo y elegi carrera de Perito mercantil .
Ups no , no , digo de Rogue ( ladron ) y despues de Treasure Hunter porke mi unico camino era el camino de la daga .
Feel The Power of the Dark Side
BlackFire still burning in my veins
Real Money Trading degrades the gaming experience for legitimate players by giving the offenders unfair advantages. Even worse, it fuels the botting and gold-farming market. Using real money to make in-game purchases from third parties is considered an RMT transaction. These in-game transactions can include the purchase of Adena, power-leveling services, items, characters, and other in-game related services.
Angel slayer es la top grado S . Ademas raidboss es adventurer xD
no es la daga top S :P eso recien se implementa en CT1, o es la grado S hasta interludio o la low S en CT1
Real Money Trading degrades the gaming experience for legitimate players by giving the offenders unfair advantages. Even worse, it fuels the botting and gold-farming market. Using real money to make in-game purchases from third parties is considered an RMT transaction. These in-game transactions can include the purchase of Adena, power-leveling services, items, characters, and other in-game related services.